Life is a very interesting place to learn and grow in. The lessons tend to present in very unanticipated ways,
ways that you don’t understand you are being taught until hindsight,
thus hindsight is 20/20.
I think that it doesn’t have to come in the hindsight if one is always listening, seeing, paying attention to the messages that every interaction you encounter matters.
Nothing really is arbitrary. Everything is a pointing. And look at that. Look at what you created with your words, your actions, your thoughts. Even, look at what the universe/God/Spirit/the divine is trying to show you.
We are constantly being communicated with.
We are never truly alone.
We are part of nature and the natural order of things are constantly whispering, shouting, and directing and ordering our every step.
You are not even reading this just by happenstance.
I’m not writing this by happenstance.
All of this is of divine order.
Dwayne Barnes