
The 5 Joys of Being Alive – Discover Your Purpose and Live Authentically

Life is a balance of depth and lightness, highs and lows, challenges and joys. To live fully and authentically, we must embrace it all. Today, let’s focus on the lighter side of life—those moments that remind us why we’re here.

We all have a unique and divine mission, even if we don’t fully understand it yet. The key is discovering our purpose and aligning with it in the most authentic way possible. I recently reflected on this question:

Why am I here?

And five answers stood out to me. Maybe...

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by Dwayne Barnes

"Dwayne is scared of women," my new-ish close male friend said as he and I stood in a club surrounded by beautiful black women and gentlemen who were trying to become their suitors.

When he said it, I was stunned. I was outed. He knew something that I had never uttered to anyone but that I knew to be a hidden truth.

How did he know?

What did I do to show him that?

It was fear. It was palpable whenever I was around women in a club setting where there was pressure to connect with...

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"From Detroit to Menace II Society: The Role That Defined My Journey and

This recent action figure reveal brought up some things. And I had some time, so wanted to share some truthful thoughts:

Looking back, I still remember how the directors told me, “No one wanted to play that role. You came in and blew us away.” The directors were from Detroit. I was from Detroit. We got it. We understood.

I never doubted playing that role. I never doubted saying those lines. It was something that just made sense to me.

It’s interesting how most of our perspectives on life come...

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Understanding Self-Focus: Why You Attract What You Focus On Have you ever

Have you ever noticed how the people you attract seem to reflect the energy you put into the world? We often think we’re attracting others for reasons that are beyond our control, but what if it’s all connected to the way we view ourselves and the way we prioritize our own needs?

At the core of human behavior is a simple truth: most people are consumed with themselves. This isn’t a judgment; it’s just the reality of the world we live in. We are all driven by our own needs, desires, and ...

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Divine Order: How Life’s Signs and Lessons Guide Your Path Life is a very

Life is a very interesting place to learn and grow in. The lessons tend to present in very unanticipated ways,

ways that you don’t understand you are being taught until hindsight,

thus hindsight is 20/20.

I think that it doesn’t have to come in the hindsight if one is always listening, seeing, paying attention to the messages that every interaction you encounter matters.

Nothing really is arbitrary. Everything is a pointing. And look at that. Look at what you created with your words, your...

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